Thursday, April 22, 2010


By Kasey Attard

Have you ever been playing outside when all of a sudden your arms and legs begin to itch? Then there are red spots everywhere! For the next couple of days all you want to do is scratch them! The reason?

Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide (CO2) from our breath, the lactic acid in our sweat and even our body heat. It is only the female mosquitoes that need blood, therefore only female mosquitoes bite. When she lands on us she pierces our skin to suck our blood and also injects a small amount of saliva. Our body's immune system kicks in to fight the proteins in her saliva. This is what results in the familiar bumps and itching.

A team of five engineers from the University of Queensland have come up with a solution to this itching problem. On Monday 19 April 2010, they released this invention at a press conference. They call it THE MOSQUITO CLAMP.

This revolutionary product works by tricking the female mosquito into thinking the trap is a person. It uses carbon dioxide as well as light, heat, infrared and other safe chemicals to attract the mosquitoes. The mosquitoes are then zapped by a trapping unit made from electric mesh, before falling into an easily cleanable net. The mosquito clamp is easy to use and can be placed in your backyard to prevent mosquitoes from biting you while you play! So tell your parents, friends and teachers all about what you have read today. Maybe one day the mosquito clamp will even be found in your local cafes and schoools.